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New improvements make FTP destinations easier and more automatic than ever

Posted on Oct 09, 2015

We've rolled out several new changes to our FTP Destinations system to make it easier than ever for SIDs and IT staff to manage the sites that need XML feeds during games.



Automatic Destinations


We've added an automatic destination feature, which you can use by editing your FTP Default Destinations on our admin site. You'll see that when you add or edit a new FTP Default Destination, you now have the option of assigning it a gender and/or sport; there is also a new checkbox option labeled 'Auto-Add'.


When 'Auto-Add' has been enabled for a FTP Default, it will be automatically added to any new events that are scheduled on your account for the sport and gender specified. This will happen automatically when you add an event using either the Season Scheduler or the Add Event screen; these will also be added to your events if your conference currently schedules your events in StatBroadcast for you.


Visit the 'Manage FTP Defaults' tool in the Admin panel today to set up these options for your FTP default destinations.


Changing FTP Destinations for multiple events or an entire season


We've separated and improved the tool that allows schools to change FTP destinations for more than one event at a time. Now separate from the 'Edit Settings for Mutliple Events' tool, you can find this new tool under 'Event/Calendar Management Tools' heading listed as 'Change FTP Destinations for an entire season'.


The tool will allow you to specify a gender and/or sport and edit the FTP destinations for all matching events at once. Alternatively, you can also select a group of events from a list and edit the destinations that way.


For more information on using these tools, check out our FTP Management support documentation at